


tell application "Finder"
set objs to selection
set lstr to (a reference to objs)
end tell
repeat with obj in objs
set objPOSIX to quoted form of the POSIX path of (obj as alias)
set scrptCDR to "exiftool -CreateDate" & " " & objPOSIX
do shell script scrptCDR
set CDR to result
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set CDRList to text items of CDR
set yy to item 2 of CDRList --年取得
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set yy to item 2 of text items of yy
set mm to item 3 of CDRList --月取得
set dd to item 4 of CDRList --日取得
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set dd to item 1 of text items of dd
set H to item 4 of CDRList --時取得
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set H to item 2 of text items of H
set M to item 5 of CDRList --分取得
set S to item 6 of CDRList --秒取得
set scrptCDW to "/usr/bin/SetFile -d " & "'" & mm & "/" & dd & "/" & yy & " " & H & ":" & M & ":" & S & "'" & " " & objPOSIX
do shell script scrptCDW
set date_creation to creation date of obj
if modification date of obj > date_creation then
set modification date of obj to date_creation
end if
end repeat